Vinay Kumar

Global Chair, International Association of Facilitators [IAF]

About this speaker

Based in Bangalore, Vinay, after spending a short time in international banking, moved to working as a consultant in the organizational development space. Over the past decade Vinay has worked in the US, the Middle East and Asia. Vinay is widely respected as a cross-cultural consultant and a research and management trainer. He has worked with various organisations in creating efficiencies across global teams through learning and development, consulting, and facilitation efforts. He has delivered programs across Asia Pacific, Europe, North and Central America. He has delivered learning workshops in over 20 countries. He holds a Certified Professional Facilitator CPF ™ qualification from the International Association of Facilitators. He has presented at various conferences including the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) HR conference in Bangalore in 2006, International Association of Facilitators conference in Malaysia (IAF) and at SIETAR conferences (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research) in the US and India. He has also been active in various professional industry groups and is the former regional president of the South India Council of the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC) and on the National Education Committee of the IACC and the HR Forum of the American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham). Some of the companies he has worked with on global assignments are: Coca Cola, Cisco, GE, Glenmark, GM, Hewlett Packard, Novartis, Oracle, SAP, Schneider Electric, Tata Communications, Timken Engineering, Visa, etc.

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Discover the Unknown - the Power of Facilitation

Annika Varjonen Malin Morén Mirjami Sipponen-Damonte Vinay Kumar