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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Hans Albers

Hans Albers

President Europe, Association of Corporate Counsel [ACC]

Itzik Amiel

Itzik Amiel

Founder & CEO, THE SWITCH™️ | Bestselling author, Chair, IBA Law Firm Management Committee Business Development & Marketing Subcommittee

Richard Macklin

Richard Macklin

Global Vice Chair & Global Client Partner, Dentons

Richard Chaplin

Richard Chaplin

Founder & Chief Executive, Managing Partners' Forum

Jeremy Cohen

Jeremy Cohen

CEO UKME, Dentons

Patrick Fuller

Patrick Fuller

Vice President & General Manager Legal, ALM Intelligence

Franscesca Lagerberg

Franscesca Lagerberg

Global leader - network capabilities, Grant Thornton International Ltd

Ashraf Lakhani

Ashraf Lakhani

Director of Business Development and Marketing, Porter Hedges, Past President, LMA

Adam Severson

Adam Severson

Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer, Baker Donleson, Past President, LMA

Simon Barrow

Simon Barrow

Founder and Consultant, Simon Barrow Associates

Jeremy Beard

Jeremy Beard

Managing Partner, Haysmacintyre

Brenda Plowman

Brenda Plowman

Past President. LMA, Chief Marketing Officer, Fasken

Nat Slavin

Nat Slavin

Partner, Wicker Park Group

Damian Taylor

Damian Taylor

Marketing & BD Director UK & ME, Dentons


From a Networker to a Trusted Advisor

Richard Macklin Itzik Amiel

Client Development in the Next Normal

Adam Severson

Building Relationships in a Virtual World

Ashraf Lakhani

Re-Tuning Your Firm by Enhancing the Employee and Clients Experience

Jeremy Beard Itzik Amiel Franscesca Lagerberg Richard Chaplin Simon Barrow

The Essence of Collaboration and Networking for In-House Counsel

Hans Albers

Succeeding in Complexity

Patrick Fuller

Creative Collaboration

Jeremy Cohen Damian Taylor

Next Big Thing: Service Metamorphosis 2.0

Itzik Amiel Brenda Plowman

Client Loyalty

Nat Slavin Itzik Amiel

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ALM Intelligence
Managing Partners' Forum
Baker Donselson
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