What Does Creativity Look Like?
A Talk by Gary Assim (IBA Law Firm Management Committee Talent & Leadership Subcommittee, Partner & Head of International Relations, Shoosmiths)
About this Talk
The legal business and the legal industry as a whole are changing. Today the legal industry is applying new technologies and experimenting with innovative processes and project methodologies based on efficiency, quality and profitability.
Creativity is not only a need that we have as human beings; it is a prominent key to boost performance and outperform peer firms.
Disappointingly, creativity is undervalued in law firms. Although Creativity is one of the “four C’s” of 21st-century learning skills, along with communication, collaboration and critical thinking.
A study conducted and released by the Australasian Legal Practice Management Association (ALPMA) “21st Century Thinking at Australasian Law Firms”, revealed that only 40 percent of respondents (114 law firms from Australia and New Zealand) said they valued creativity. Even if firms are aware of the benefits of an innovative and creative mind, they still do not see the benefit of investing in creativity and do not perceive creativity as a driver of change.
Discover more and how to use creativity to connect with your clients and nurture the relationships in this session with Gary.