Client Development in the Next Normal
A Talk by Adam Severson (Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer, Baker Donleson, Past President, LMA)
About this Talk
A lot of lawyers claim to have entered the profession to help people (i.e., clients). Yet as we strive to become better lawyers, we focus principally on enhancing our legal knowledge and acumen. But we often ignore the enrichment of our client relations.
With this type of crisis COVID 19 - occurring across the globe, leaders have an opportunity to enhance and strengthen their brand strategy and truly put their clients at the heart of their legal practice.
The most suitable and effective way of approaching this complex situation is from a client perspective. How do clients want to engage with their lawyer during and after COVID-19, and how can we – as a lawyers – best adapt to this?
In this session with Adam - we look for a practical advice, opinion and perspectives on how you can not only survive as a law firm during this global pandemic, but how you can leverage these challenging times to protect and strengthen your firm’s brand, increase clients loyalty & confidence and improve client satisfaction.