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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Itzik Amiel

Itzik Amiel

Founder & CEO, THE SWITCH™️ | Bestselling author, Chair, IBA Law Firm Management Committee Business Development & Marketing Subcommittee

James Batham

James Batham

Partner & Head of Retail, Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP

Larry Bodine

Larry Bodine

Web and Marketing Consultant, Larry Bodine Law Firm Marketing

Richard Chaplin

Richard Chaplin

Founder & Chief Executive, Managing Partners' Forum

Gaia Francieri

Gaia Francieri

Head Of Communication, Chiomenti

Leor Franks

Leor Franks

Chief Marketing Officer, Augusta Ventures

Katherine Hutchinson

Katherine Hutchinson

International Business Development Manager, Bennett Jones

Franscesca Lagerberg

Franscesca Lagerberg

Global leader - network capabilities, Grant Thornton International Ltd

Daniel Abrahams

Daniel Abrahams

Principal & Founder, Hustlr Agency

Simon Barrow

Simon Barrow

Founder and Consultant, Simon Barrow Associates

Jeremy Beard

Jeremy Beard

Managing Partner, Haysmacintyre

Jill Huse

Jill Huse

Past President. LMA, Partner, Society 54

Anne Macdonald

Anne Macdonald

Partner & Head of Business Development, Harper Macleod LLP, Officer, IBA Law Firm Management Committee Business Development & Marketing Subcommittee

Moray McLaren

Moray McLaren

Co-Founder, Lexington Consultants, Member, Møller Institute at The University of Cambridge

Kei Miyoshi

Kei Miyoshi

Partner/Vice President, Miyoshi & Associates

Aku Sorainen

Aku Sorainen

Founder & Senior Partner, Sorainen

Mihaly K. Varga

Mihaly K. Varga

Head of CEE Business Development, Noerr LLP


We Continue...

Anne Macdonald Itzik Amiel

Leading Communication Strategies That Work Now

Larry Bodine Itzik Amiel

5 Marketing Laws for Lawyers

Daniel Abrahams


Kei Miyoshi

A Different View: The Client Perspective

Gaia Francieri

Communication Secret: How Can I Help? Genuinely...

James Batham

Be a Better Communicator – Practical Steps for Internal Communication With BD Team

Katherine Hutchinson

Agents of Change - Time for Horizontal Communication

Mihaly K. Varga Moray McLaren

Re-Tuning Your Firm by Enhancing the Employee and Clients Experience

Simon Barrow Franscesca Lagerberg Richard Chaplin Jeremy Beard Itzik Amiel

Why a Systematic Approach to Managing Knowledge Is More Relevant Than AI?

Aku Sorainen Itzik Amiel

Cutting Through the Noise With a Challenger Brand

Itzik Amiel Leor Franks

1st Day's Insights

Anne Macdonald Itzik Amiel

Leadership Development and using Gamification to Effectuate Change

Jill Huse Itzik Amiel

Learn from brands like these

Augusta Ventures
Managing Partners' Forum
MOPI - Marketing e Organizzazione delle Professioni
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Noerr LLP