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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Itzik Amiel

Itzik Amiel

Founder & CEO, THE SWITCH™️ | Bestselling author, Chair, IBA Law Firm Management Committee Business Development & Marketing Subcommittee

Horacio Bernardes Neto

Horacio Bernardes Neto

Senior partner of Motta Fernandes Advogados, IBA President

Kelly M. MacKinnon

Kelly M. MacKinnon

Director of Business Development, Fried Frank, President-Elect, LMA

Richard Macklin

Richard Macklin

Global Vice Chair & Global Client Partner, Dentons

Adrian Biles

Adrian Biles

CEO, Ince Group

Terri Gavulic

Terri Gavulic

Chief Business Officer, TerraLex

Ashraf Lakhani

Ashraf Lakhani

Director of Business Development and Marketing, Porter Hedges, Past President, LMA

Adam Severson

Adam Severson

Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer, Baker Donleson, Past President, LMA

Tshepo Shabangu

Tshepo Shabangu

Officer, IBA Bar Issues Commission, Partner, Spoor & Fisher

Timothy Wilson

Timothy Wilson

Chief Executive, MSI Global Alliance

Stephen Bowman

Stephen Bowman

Vice Chair & Managing Partner People and Talent, Bennett Jones, Co-Chair, IBA Law Firm Management Committee

Barbara Koenen-Geerdink

Barbara Koenen-Geerdink

Global Head BD & Marketing | Author, Ince

Anne Macdonald

Anne Macdonald

Partner & Head of Business Development, Harper Macleod LLP, Officer, IBA Law Firm Management Committee Business Development & Marketing Subcommittee

Kei Miyoshi

Kei Miyoshi

Partner/Vice President, Miyoshi & Associates

Roy Sexton

Roy Sexton

President-elect, LMA, Director of Marketing, Clark Hill Law

Nat Slavin

Nat Slavin

Partner, Wicker Park Group

Rolanda Valiunas

Rolanda Valiunas

Managing partner, Ellex Valiunas, Co-Chair, IBA Law Firm Management Committee


Your Guide - How it Works?

Itzik Amiel

Looking Forward

Horacio Bernardes Neto


Stephen Bowman Rolanda Valiunas

From a Networker to a Trusted Advisor

Itzik Amiel Richard Macklin

Legal Business - an Authentic Approach

Kelly M. MacKinnon Itzik Amiel

Client Development in the Next Normal

Adam Severson

Building Relationships in a Virtual World

Ashraf Lakhani

It Is Not About You, but About Your Client!

Tshepo Shabangu


Kei Miyoshi

The Importance of Connection Within a Listed Legal and Professional Services Business

Barbara Koenen-Geerdink Adrian Biles

Leveraging & Connecting via Law Firms Networks

Anne Macdonald Terri Gavulic Timothy Wilson

Living (and thriving) as an introvert in an “out loud” world

Itzik Amiel Roy Sexton

Client Loyalty

Nat Slavin Itzik Amiel

Learn from brands like these

Baker Donselson
Ellex Valiunas
Fried Frank
Miyoshi & Associates
Porter Hedges
Spoor & Fisher